Let FOOD be for your stomach,                            what MUSIC is for your ears !

Welcome to my Webpage! 


My name is Lena, I graduated as dietitian in September 2016 and my major interests are nature, animals, music and healthy, yet tasty nutrition.

My favourite places to spend a lot of time are outdoors and the kitchen - I love to experiment and create new healthy recipies with seasonal ingredients while dancing through the kitchen, with the radio on.


For consultations in English just don't hesitate to contact me. Since I have spent quite some time of my life abroad, switching languages ist no big deal.



However, many people focus on nutrition information and minimalize behavioural and emotional aspects that influence a person's eating a lot. As dietitian, I have had the pleasure to undergo an education which focused on the holistic approach and took into account psychological aspects of eating rather than just passing on in-detail nutritional information to each client.

Basically what you will get when you make an appointment with me, is a detailed interview about your lifestyle and I will not only give you nutritional advice but we will also find out together HOW you can implement them in your everyday life.


Before you visit a session with me, ask yourself what you truly want – a consistent change in your diet or a quick fix?

The first is definitely what I can help you with, as I consider it as the way healthier option of reaching your feel-good state of fitness. If you are motivated to work on your own health and take up responsibility for your food choices, you are very welcome to contact me!

Please click on the green box and fill in the form to contact me .

....Lena G. Nutrition on facebook & instagram....

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